Wednesday, December 18, 2024

Lionel Messi and Cristiano Ronaldo, A Look at their Mars


Directness vs Fluidity. Individual vs Team. Impulsive vs Instinctive. Offensive vs Supportive. Explosive vs Deliberate. Take a moment to digest these contrasting words. Next, apply them to the field of Football. Think about the what roles these words best describe in Football. Now, think about Cristiano Ronaldo and Lionel Messi.

C. Ronaldo has Mars in Aries, the Fiery Sign. Mars is in its Home in Aries (A Sign traditionally seen as a Strengthening placement for Mars). The Action, Physicality of Mars is expressed in the nature of the sign Aries, being Direct, Individualistic, Power.

L. Messi has Mars in Cancer, the Watery Sign. Mars is in its Fall in Cancer (A Sign traditionally seen as a Weakening placement for Mars). The Action, Physicality of Mars is expressed in the nature of the sign Cancer, being Fluid, Instinctive, Nurturing.

Here, one can clearly see how Mars in both of their Birth Charts reflects the different playing styles shown by each. When looking at the Birth Charts of Sportspeople, some astrologers right away look at the condition of Mars, whether it is in a favorable condition, to ascertain if they can be successful.

Obviously, both C. Ronaldo and L. Messi are successful and excel in their field.

However, in the case of L. Messi, his Mars is in a zodiac Sign (Mars in Cancer) that is 'supposed' to be inimical, unfavorable for him, a debility for Mars which in traditional texts or teachings, is a weakness/ least strength for Mars to excel. Yet there are Sportspeople like L. Messi with Mars in a Debility or weak planetary placement who are successful. This is a contradiction to most teachings. This causes some astrologers to find reasons, or rather, excuses for such situations.

For example, I have seen comments made by astrologers like:

...the feelings of being the underdog [Mars in a Fall] can build good character traits that can lead to success later on"; or "Mars in Fall tends to overcompensate [to correct or make amends] to prove itself"; or "[Mars in Cancer] is a passionate sign for Mars, that can be channeled into greater things".

Basically, introducing reasons like attributing to 'Personal/ Character Development', 'Energy Management' or even 'Free Will' to explain why having a "Debilitated" Mars can possibly still bring success for those Sportspeople. But this can turn into:

You have Mars in Aries. You can be a successful Sportsperson. Not successful? You are being impulsive, impatient and too complacent. No? There must be other reasons in your Birth Chart. What? Actually you ARE successful? Ok, that's because of your Mars in Aries."

If these are the reasons astrologers use to justify why a Sportsperson with Mars in Fall (Mars in Cancer) or Detriment (Mars in Libra) can be successful, it is not a surprise that the practice of Astrology itself attracts skeptics. One can simply ignore astrological techniques altogether and still conduct Astrological Prediction, saying "You can be successful if you are dedicated and work hard"; or "You can be successful despite your Mars being debilitated in Cancer, by building up your perseverance, your passion and inner strength. If you are not successful, it is because your Mars is in Cancer..." 

Success requires Hard Work. But Hard Work does not Equals to Success. This is the real Life.

A Planet in a Sign can be understood in a few layers, or rather, their influences are manifested in a few layers. It is not simply just a case of Mars being "Strengthened" or "Weakened". For example, one manifestation is the literal expression of the planet in the sign. Like the different Action, Physicality and Playing Style of C. Ronaldo and L. Messi. There are no negative or positive inclinations here. 

Another layer is from Mars' perspective, whether Mars likes to be in the Sign he is in. Mars likes Directness, Quickness. In Cancer, an emotional and indirect sign, Mars can feel frustrated. This can leads to emotional outbursts. There are further layers to explore. All these differing expressions will materialize for the Native in the real Life, one way or another. 

So why are those Sportspeople with Mars in a Debility being successful in what they do? Because, in L. Messi's case, Mars in Cancer is not the key indicator for his success. You can say it is his Action, Playing Style, a Descriptive. 

Success, whether Materially or Fame cannot be judged simply from a Planet in a Sign, or a Planet in a particular Astrological House. One also cannot instinctively look at the condition of Mars for Sportspeople or Venus for Celebrities/Artists as an indicator whether he or she can be successful. Venus in Libra, or Pisces. These are signs that Venus is been seen as "Strengthened" or Positive. Venus can remain in one Sign for up to 2 months, depending on its motion. Does that mean those born during Venus in those Signs can be successful as an Artists? Obviously not.

Likewise, one cannot simply use those "excuses" to justify the person's success despite the seemingly "weak" planetary placement shown in the Birth Chart.

Success or Elevation is about identifying the factors and/or configurations influencing Social Mobility (Positive and/or Negative); his or her social support configuration in the Birth Chart, whether one can achieve success in his or her field relatively, and how great that success can be. And these key factors are not simply just Planets in Signs/Houses/Aspects.


Image of Cristiano Ronaldo, UEFA Euro 2012 is by Илья Хохлов/Ilya Khokhlov/Ilja Chochłow [CC BY 3.0], via Wikimedia Commons
Image of Lionel Messi , FIFA World Cup 2022 is by Hossein Zohrevand [CC BY 4.0], via Wikimedia Commons

Thursday, November 28, 2024

Year 2025 乙巳年 Year of the Snake Fengshui DIY Guide : Take Ownership of your Destiny

2025 Chinese Lunar New Year falls on the 29th January 2025. Like many other years, the beginning of a new year presents us the opportunity for reflections on our endeavors in the previous year as well as an assessment and rejuvenation for the coming new year. Past reflections give us improvements, forward assessment give us preparations. Preparations for 断舍离 and 趋吉避凶.

Prior to Chinese Lunar New Year, it is customary to conduct a deep cleaning of our house, known as ‘Spring Cleaning’, a tradition ingrained in us for generations. This tradition symbolizes the purging of negative energies and welcoming rejuvenation and renewal of positive energies. But far from simply cleaning our house and all the items, the process of decluttering and reorganizing the items in our house can be essential for a more harmonious positive energies, which in turn can positively impact our lives. Not only items that are old, dirty and damaged have a detrimental effect on our luck and health, items that are placed in inappropriate locations can have that effect on us as well, as this creates incompatible energies between the item and its location. But how do we know what items are unsuitable for each location in our house?

QMDJ Declutter Reorganize Revitalize

For this, we can make use of 【Qi Men Dun Jia】 (奇门遁甲) principles to know what items are unsuitable for placement in each locations, creating negative energies that impact our lives. This allows us the opportunity to declutter, reorganize and ultimately revitalize our house in a more positive way. This can be an added advantage in our ‘Spring Cleaning’ 断舍离 process, the first step towards ushering the New Year.

Year 2025 乙巳年 Fengshui Annual Nine Stars

Looking forward, the next step is knowledge of the 【Fengshui Annual Nine Stars】 (流年九星). Knowing what their Fengshui influences are on us and where these stars are located for the upcoming year 2025 allows us to take measures for mitigation of the malefic stars and enhancement of the benefic stars; 趋吉避凶. One important point to take note, that is when understanding and using the Fengshui Annual Nine Stars, the year 2025 乙巳年 begins on 3rd Feb 2025, 10:11pm which is 立春, Beginning of Spring, based on the Solar Calendar. Do not be confused with Lunar New Year, which is based on Lunar Calendar.    

For these preparations, I have prepared the【Year 2025 乙巳年 Fengshui DIY Guide】that is simple to understand and follow. Take Ownership of your Destiny!

You are free to download the【Year 2025 乙巳年 Fengshui DIY Guide】in PDF format from this link here.

Sunday, October 20, 2024

Chinese Horoscopic Astrology 七政四余, Immortal Zhang Guo Lao and a Rinpoche Scandal

Eight Immortals Crossing the Sea

八仙过海。The Eight Immortals Crossing the Sea. Older generation - don't look at me - should have heard of them. One of the Eight Immortals is Zhang Guo Lao (张果老). Zhang Guo Lao was said to be a Taoist in the Tang Dynasty. According to legend, the book 【果老星宗】, a text on Chinese Horoscopic Astrology (known as Qi Zheng Si Yu 七政四余) was authored by Immortal Zhang, compiled, edited and arranged in the Ming Dynasty by Lu Wei (陆位). It is a comprehensive text on Chinese Horoscopic Astrology system, which incorporated some elements of Hellenistic and Indian Astrology that was introduced to China before then.

However notably, Chinese Horoscopic Astrology has its own unique system such as the consideration of Five Elements, Seasonal Strength, Shen Sha (神煞), Constellations etc. Though we are all under the same sky, 'We are the world, we are the children'. Digress. Though we are all under the same sky, looking above at the same astronomical planets, e.g., the planet Venus, its interpretation and meanings can have variations whether according to Hellenistic/ Medieval Astrology or Chinese Astrology system, though having the same planetary positions and all. Nothing unexpected here, we are all humans, but having different races and cultures. 

Today, 七政四余 is not as widely practiced compared to other traditional Chinese destiny metaphysics knowledge such as Ba Zi (八字) or Zi Wei Dou Shu (紫微斗数). The prohibition of learning astronomy knowledge or dissemination outside of the Official Astrology Bureau in ancient China greatly inhibits the spread of 七政四余, which requires the knowledge of astronomy. That is, solely for the royals and the privileged.

Immortal Zhang Guo Lao


One day, I was chatting with my nephew, and in his room I saw a book that caught my attention on his shelf. The book title is "Think Like a Monk". Instinctively, I thought, 'Ohh Monk'... Right away I said he could have simply ask me to tell him how to... Anyway, it reminds me of a case of one Rinpoche born in Bhutan (Rinpoche, a religious teacher held in high regard among Tibetan Buddhists, used often as honorific title) in the book 【果老星宗新, 1999】 by  Li Guang Pu (李光浦 born 1942, 香港中文大学地理系毕业), who had advanced the knowledge and spread of 七政四余 and other Chinese Metaphysics through his research and publications.

For this case, it is definitely not about thinking like a monk. Since it is about a Rinpoche's sex scandal. !? Below is his 七政四余 Chinese Horoscopic Astrology birth chart. To put it simply from Li Guang Pu's perspective, we have the Shen Sha 华盖, 文昌, 科甲, 孤辰 and Planet Zi Qi (紫气, an astronomical point in the sky with no actual planetary correspondence) in his 1st House (Self), implying academic talent and affinity with non secular activities since young. Furthermore, his Core Ruler, Mercury is right beside Zi Qi, which is his Useful Planet, strengthening the affinity though weakening him in the process. 

Rinpoche Birth Chart

Mars, ruler of his 7th House (Wife, Marriage, the Opposite Sex) and Moon (General Signification of Woman, Wife) enters into his 1st House. A sign of Women affinity. His 1st House ruler is Venus (General Signification of Romance, Woman) who also carries the Shen Sha 咸池 (Romance, Lust). Venus is in its prime in Autumn and being also his Useful Planet, awaits him in his late teens to mid 20s. 

From late 20s to 40, Luo Hou 罗喉 (South Node, astronomical point, part of the two Lunar Nodes where the Moon's orbital path crosses the ecliptic) who is the Secondary Ruler of the 7th House, again awaits him. Numerous temptations in his path. His scandal involving 4 female disciples happened in Hongkong 1999.

What Li Guang Pu wants to highlight in this particular case is that, a religious leader nevertheless is still a human being, and not without secular feelings. And sometimes, like in this case, one fails to overcome secular temptations.

Wednesday, October 2, 2024

Don't Ignore Landform Fengshui 气无形不成,形无气不应。

Xie Tan Zhen
This is another residential Fengshui case from the book 二宅实验, a collection of Fengshui cases by practitioners of San Yuan Xuan Kong (三元玄空) Fengshui published in 1927. Previously, I have  mentioned that there are other factors regarding the cases that are not considered in this book, such as Landform Fengshui (形), as the book primarily focuses on Li Qi Fengshui (气). Thus it is prudent not to assume that the causes of serious events as written in the book are the sole reasons. Here is one such example. Italic words in square brackets [ ] are my own comments.

Case: 何宅损小口者 (Harm to Children; 何家巷 He Jia Xiang)

Period 1, Sitting Jia Facing Geng House (甲山庚向, Sitting East Facing West). Close to the back of the house is a stretch of water/ river. The Facing Stars for this stretch of water are Star #1 White Water (一白水星), Star #2 Black Earth (二黑土星) and Star #6 White Metal (六白金星). [River stretches Gen (Northeast), Zhen (East) and Xun (Southeast) Palaces].

何宅损小口者_Harm to Children

The Main Door and the Pathway [Active Route 动线] from the Internal Door is at Qian (Northwest) Direction which has the Facing Star #4 Green Wood (四绿木星). From Period 1 till to date [Period 1 begins from 1864; Book published in early Period 4], the wealth luck has been favorable. The left bedroom has both its room door [Room Tai Ji] and the pathway [from internal door to room door] at Qian (Northwest) Palace, which has the Facing Star #4 Green Wood (四绿木星) and Mountain Star #7 Red Metal (七赤金星) in a conflict; Metal controls/ weakens Wood (金克木). During Period 2 and 3, there have been 5 to 6 premature deaths occurring in this room.


In this book, there are other Fengshui residential cases from the same vicinity i.e., He Jia Xiang (何家巷). Located in 斜滩镇, the houses are built on both sides of the river and tributaries. From the text, the cause of the dire outcome stem from the conflicting energies of the Five Elements from the Qian (Northwest) Direction/ Palace. This negative affliction are repeated throughout; from the location of the Main Door, Internal Door, Room Door and Pathway/ Active Route, which all points to Qian (Northwest). However, for the 5 to 6 premature deaths, this reason alone cannot be the sole cause. It is not significant enough. 气无形不成,形无气不应

From the perspective of Landform Fengshui, the stretch of water/ river close to the entire back of the house is one prominent negative factor for the health of the children and descendants of the occupants. This alone already cannot be overstated. Of course, it also does not help when the bed layout in the room is not conducive for the well-being of the occupants. Could there be more reasons that contributed to such dire outcome in this particular case? Could be, but one can only know what is provided in the text and drawings. Nevertheless, this case is one example where, when studying historical cases of the past whether it is Fengshui or Astrology texts, we should be mindful of the context.