Elizabeth Taylor - Her Marriage and Moon
Once bitten, twice shy. Not always though. Elizabeth Taylor, the well known British and American actress, was married eight times to seven men.Marriage can be a source of one's happiness or comfort, fulfilling his or her innermost emotional needs. This creates a desire. Yet, at the same time the marriage can be fraught with difficulties, repeatedly.
In Elizabeth Taylor's birth chart, Mercury is the ruler of her 7th House (Marriage, Long Term Relationship). It is with Mars (Violence, Conflicts, Separation) and being afflicted by it. Mars is the ruler of her 12th House (Secrets, Undoing, Hidden Antagonists) and 11th House (Her Partner's Romance, Enjoyment). Furthermore, her Venus (Taylor's own Romance, Enjoyment) partakes in this configuration. Mercury is also opposed by Neptune (Illusion, Confusion). Mercury itself is not in a positive state, being in a detriment in Pisces.
From this planetary configuration, we see extramarital affairs being played out, events outside the social norms. Relationships are also troubled with domestic violence. However, the extramarital affairs are not exclusively hers. The configuration also tells the issue of her partner's infidelity affecting the relationship.
Yet, despite facing difficulties each time in her marriage, she still married eight times. For one's true sense of happiness, one cannot neglect the Moon. The Moon plays an important role in determining our innermost feelings, needs and one's sense of happiness and security. You can say the song 月亮代表我的心, the song popularized by the late Taiwanese singer Teresa Teng, pretty much sums it up. 太阴 (Moon) 主一世之快乐、幸福感。This is especially emphasized in Traditional Chinese Horoscopic Astrology, the ancient 《七政四余》.
In Elizabeth Taylor's birth chart, her Moon is in a harmonious and positive relationship with her Mercury. Simply put, marriage is a life event that is able to fulfill her innermost emotional needs, her sense of happiness and security. This creates a desire and further intensified by her Moon in the sign of Scorpio, a persistent sign.
Yet unfortunately, objectively, her marriages are not without numerous difficulties. Contradiction? 人生什么时候是简单的。