Thursday, July 4, 2024

Simple But Effective DIY Fengshui

One effective yet extremely simple application of Chinese Metaphysics principles that can be DIY'd for Residential or Office Fengshui.
By understanding the basic Symbolism/ Associations and Directions related to each of the Eight Trigrams (八卦), one can conduct a simple and quick DIY home or office Fengshui review, so as to avoid or minimize any potential afflictions and identifying key priority areas from Fengshui perspective. 

All you need to know is the basics of reading a compass, i.e., knowing where each of the eight directions are, the four cardinal N-S-W-E and the four intercardinal NE-SE-SW-NW, and having the floorplan of your home or office premises, though optional. Do bear in mind though, compass readings are easily affected by electrical sources or metal objects if taken inside the premises.
Eight Compass Directions in the House
The key is to have a clear understanding where each of the eight directions are, from the center of your home or office premises, either using the floorplan or simply standing in the center of your premises. With this knowledge, you can now base on the related Trigram, its Five Element (五行) and its related associations to do a DIY Fengshui review.
For example, the North direction is associated with the Trigram Kan (坎). The Five Element of this Trigram is Water (水). Some of its common associations are Urinary System, Kidneys, Womb, Middle Son, Wisdom, Networking, Theft, Deception. The shape associated is wavy and irregular. Its related color is blue or black. 
Eight Trigrams Associations
To avoid afflictions in the North location of our premises, we should avoid having prominent objects with shapes or colors of the Five Element Earth in this location. This includes literally, objects of the material Earth. This is because the Element Water can be overcome/ weakened by the Element Earth (土克水). 
Hence, if you have a notable earthenware (Element Earth) centerpiece decorative item in the North location of your premises, you will need to be mindful of problems related to the Trigram Kan (坎), such as health matters associated to the urinary system or interpersonal issues. Shapes and colors to avoid in the North location are flat and squarish; brown or yellow colors (Avoiding the Element Earth). 
This is also the reason why kitchen stove is commonly advised against locating it in the Northwest or West location of one’s residential premises. Fire (Stove) overcomes/ weakens Metal (Northwest and West).
Avoiding potential afflictions in each of the eight directions is one step. Identifying key priority areas is another step. If you are the Head/ Leader in your company or line of work, the Trigram Qian (乾) is one that needs your priority attention, as this Trigram is associated with the societal roles of the Head, Leader. For families, the nurturing and harmonious nature of homes meant the importance of the Trigram Kun (坤). For scholarly pursuits and activities, the Trigram Xun (巽) is emphasized.
Even though there are more that can be utilized from the knowledge of the Eight Trigrams in Fengshui or in many other Chinese Metaphysics applications, for starters, this is definitely one that is simple enough for DIY, yet most important of all, effective.