Tuesday, August 13, 2024

Bernie Madoff - American Criminal and Financier

Bernie Madoff

This is the birth chart for Bernard Lawrence "Bernie" Madoff, an American financial criminal and financier who was the admitted mastermind of the largest known Ponzi scheme in history, worth an estimated $65 billion. 

In 2023, a Netflix docuseries detailing his rise and fall was released. Compare his chart to the previously shared birth chart of Sam Bankman Fried. Compare his chart to the previously shared birth chart of Sam Bankman Fried.

Venus (Networking, Finance), the ruler of the 10th House (Career, Public Recognition) is afflicted by the presence of the malefic Mars, ruler of the 9th House (Law). Both Venus and Mars are afflicted by the square with Jupiter who is in the 7th House (Open Conflicts). Moon, ruler of the 12th House (Secret Enemies, Troubles, Confinement) also partakes in this configuration. This is from the perspective of Bernie Madoff's 10th House (Career). If we look from the perspective of his 1st House (Self), Sun as the ruler is also similarly affected.

Bernie Madoff Horoscope

He was arrested on December 2008 and pleaded guilty in March 2009. It was during his North Node active period (2008 - 2011). His North Node in his birth chart is afflicted, similarly, by Venus, Mars and Jupiter.

However, in the birth charts of both Sam Bankman Fried and Bernie Madoff, do know that these astrological configurations mentioned so far are just a small piece of a bigger puzzle. Beyond what was said, there are other important  pieces of the puzzle. For example, how Finances, Speculation, Investments, Fraud are judged from the birth chart. Venus, as natural signification of Finance, is not enough. From a horoscopic astrology perspective, understanding of the character, inclinations, career choice and current active planetary influences needs to be assessed together before making any judgements.